Uplift Others

9.4% to $15MM

Committed to community impact since our founding.

Commitment to $15MM started January 2022.

Uplift Others

Wil Reynolds started Seer because his boss wouldn't let him volunteer on his lunch break. Early on, we had minimum volunteer hour commitments (before we had lawyers who knew better).

In 2021, we noticed it felt like our community impact was trending down.

We dug into our data and validated that feeling:

Community Impact 2007 to 2022

We weren't happy with the story our data told us.

So in 2022, we set out on a path to providing $15MM in community impact over the next 10 years.


“We're just getting started.”

wil reynolds | founder, seer interactive

Measuring Impact

Created collaboratively with our community:

Andie Boberick of Hopeworks Camden, Designer

Kristin Bigness of Seer, Design Mentor

Joanna Bowen of Seer, Community Impact Manager

Seer Interactives 2022 Community Impact Report1024_1

2022 Community Impact Report → 


Doubling Down on Community Impact in 2022

April 2022

joanna-bowen-seer-headshotJoanna Bowen hired as Seer’s First Community Impact Manager.

July 2022

Bright Funds Launched: a platform to centralize volunteer and giving efforts

November 2022

Giving Tuesday: $20K donated across 46 team member nominated non-profits

October 2022

Volunteering Challenge: At least 1 team member tracking time every day of October

101 team members participated!

December 2022

5,075: Total hours of volunteer time tracked by Seer team members in 2022

Learn With Us

Follow along as we open source our experience building a Community Impact Program.

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