Jonathan Wehausen

Sr. Lead (Client), Analytics

Jon joined Seer as a Digital Measurement Solutions Client Lead. Before transitioning into the digital measurement consulting space, he began his career as a software developer and technical IT journeyman. Since then, he has spent the last few years at small-to-large digital analytics agencies serving as account manager / lead for various private and public sector clients.

One of his most proud accomplishments was at the peak of COVID-19 pandemic, he helped produce custom analytics dashboards for product owners and high ranking congressional stakeholders that showcased the effectiveness / areas of improvement for various tools/services on Now, with each new client he engages with, he makes it his mission to identify the greatest value-add for the organization and guide them step-by-step within the data maturity model to realize that unique value.

On a personal level, he was raised in Southern Maryland (Waldorf, MD) within the DC Metropolitan area. He earned his B.S from Virginia Tech in Business Information Technology with a minor in Leadership studies. He now resides just outside Asheville, NC in a tiny house with his fiance Jackie and their cat Victor. On the weekends, you can find him trying out local coffee shops, restaurants, food trucks, breweries and the like. He additionally enjoys (or dreads) cheering on DC sports teams whenever possible.