
Who is Searching for Google Chrome?

How do you know when something's "gone hot" online? We've all been reading about Google Chrome, looking forward to the big launch today. There's been steady buzz online, then Google actually released Chrome for download. The result?

Google Trends says that Google Chrome is "on fire." Google Chrome on FIRE

Looking at the top 100 terms being searched for today, Google Chrome takes up two of the spots, including #3 for the day. All Trends

In the few minutes since I searched for Chrome on Summize (to see how many people are talking about it on Twitter), another 2600 Tweets went out about Chrome. Summize

So that's a little sample of the online hype. Now I've finally been able to download Chrome and I'm looking forward to seeing how it lives up to the hype, as well as how Google launching its own browser will affect SEO.

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