
Become a Storymaker: Hook, Line & Sinker Recap #1

At the Search Church this past May, we invited some content marketing experts to share the methods, strategies, and tools they use to connect content to those who need it. We’ll be providing their talks on the blog over the next few weeks, so you can all learn from their insights and experience!

First up is Tracey Halvorsen from FastSpot in Baltimore, MD.

Tracey Halvorsen is a consultant, designer, painter, author and speaker. Her background in visual art and technology and her hands-on style of leadership has helped Fastspot consistently create award-winning and industry recognized websites, applications, and marketing campaigns.

Becoming A Storymaker

What Did She Talk About?

Tracey pulls from her background in art and painting to share why stories have had such a significant impact on humans throughout history and how to capture that essence in every story you share about your brand online. The key points? Show emotion and be vulnerable. Show, don’t tell.


Most Exciting Moment

“When creating content, you don’t have to just state the facts.” (5:41)

Tracey points out that we’re not a room full of news reporters, and our job and responsibility does not lie in relaying a series of boring statements. If you can tap into the emotions associated with a memory, a great story will be born.

Most Actionable Item

The Five Whys (17:52)

This problem solving technique will help you to get to the core of your story, the true emotion that you want to communicate with your audience.


Takeaways From The Crowd


via @eZangaMeg


via @up_for_GRABS89

Thanks so much, Tracey! We loved having you at the Church.

Join us next week for a recap on Peep Laja’s talk on Conversion Optimization!

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