
Google Checkout and Open Source

Google has launched a new product called Google Checkout. It allows for consumers to make purchases in participating stores across the web with only one login and password: their google account.

Why consumers like it: They have less chance of getting spam & unwanted newsletters. A consumer's personal information is spread out less across internet shops, and in that they feel safer. It's much easier to enter in information one time for numerous checkouts. Besides, Google is name brand they trust.

Why you as a store owner should participate: If you're enrolled in Adwords and you spend $1, Google will credit you $10 in transaction fees. It's a no-brainer. Who wouldn't want to invest money that would otherwise be spent in transaction fees to Visa, AMEX, etc. especially when considering it's multiplier?

We don't need many more reasons to participate because consumers like it! This means more sales for you. The only factors in need of consideration are cost and feasibility. (more…)

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