
3 Tips for Relocating for Work

So You Have The Opportunity To Move...

Your mind is probably spinning. 1f92f

Logistics. Packing. Goodbyes. Travel.

There is a lot to consider when making a move, whether it’s down the street or across the country, the decisions are seemingly endless and you may be faced with some tough calls along the way! However, the end result is always worth it. 

seer icon travelWhether you’ve found your new home for life or a destination for the next chapter in your story, learnings and growth are sure to follow.

I was fortunate enough to receive the opportunity to move across the country after graduating from college, relocating from New York to San Diego with Seer. Although nervous, unsure, and scared were just a few words I would use to describe my feelings mid-flight across the country, I couldn’t help but also feel excited, optimistic, and open to what this new chapter had in store.

If you find yourself reading this post with the same opportunity, my advice to you is: go for it, take the risk, and allow yourself to take each amazing experience and adventure that comes your way.

The beauty of it all is that you don’t have to make the move alone. Keep readin’ for a few tips to make the transition in both work and life hopefully a bit easier!

Tip 1: Write a Pros and Cons List

This may seem super old school, but it’s a helpful exercise to get all the thoughts swirling in your head down on paper! Some of the considerations that made it to my list included:

  • Cost of living in Philadelphia v San Diego
  • Proximity to family and friends
  • Weather (hellooooo sunny San Diego!)
  • Lifestyles in Philadelphia v San Diego
  • Housing options

The hardest part of creating your list is being brutally honest with yourself of what is truly positive and negative for you! What your parents/partners/friends may consider a positive, you might consider a downvote for your destination. At the end of the day, you have to make the best decision for yourself!

Tip 2: Talk to CoWorkers in Your New Office

The best place to go for advice is to those currently living in your city! At Seer, we are lucky to have a great support system based out of our San Diego office that was and still is willing to get on the phone, send resources, email, etc. to help you to feel comfortable and confident about your move!

As a complete newbie to the West Coast (having never been in general, let alone to San Diego!) the team was invaluable to me for questions about housing, transportation, San Diego tips, the best food and drinks in get it, these people are experts. And whether you are moving with Seer or another company, your best bet is to reach out to the experts!

To seal the deal even further, team members in San Diego offered to tour apartments and write letters to landlords to vouch for my new role. The generosity, and kindness that was displayed just solidified my decision in moving out to work with the San Diego team.

Tip 3: Listen to Your Gut

Moving is hard, stressful, and oftentimes, messy.

When I think back to when I had to make the decision to either stay on the East Coast or move across the country, all of the lists, phone calls, and sleepless nights played a pivotal role in my final decision. However, I kept coming back to the feeling that I had in my gut. When I would start to get nervous and retreat back to thoughts of remaining on the east coast with friends and family that would have left me secure in my comfort zone, my instincts were telling me to take the chance and everything else will get figured out along the way.

As someone who considers herself a planner, who reads the endings of TV shows and movies to know there will be a happy ending, and who is just generally an overthinker, making a decision that would alter the course of my life was not one that I took lightly! It’s easy to stress, think about the unknowns, and let your mind run wild with potential endings to your story.

But where you’ll find true clarity is in allowing yourself to take a deep breath, listen to your intuition, and take concrete steps to make your dream a reality!

So take the leap! And if you found yourself thinking that Seer Philadephia or San Diego could be for you, take a peek at our current openings, here!


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