
Simplify Data to Create Engaging Content: Hook, Line & Sinker Recap #3

At the Search Church this past May, we invited four content marketing experts to share the methods, strategies, and tools they use to connect content to those who need it. We’ll be providing their talks on the blog over the next few weeks, so you can all learn from their insights and experience! We've already recapped Tracey Halvorsen's and Peep Laja's presentations.

This week Scott Edwards takes the stage, from Simple.

Scott is currently the Marketing Manager at Simple. Simple is reinventing banking by putting people first, not policies, and helping their customers find clarity in their finances.

Storytelling with Data at Simple

What does he talk about?

Scott shares with us the importance of simplifying content.  To catch the attention and interest of customers, content creators should transform complicated data into a straight-forward, user-friendly stories. Although the process of sorting through data doesn’t always generate a solid lead right away, Scott’s work with Simple shows that through crowd-sourcing and relevant data-shifting, brands can ultimately develop successful content.

Most Exciting Moment

“Everyone loves to be number one.” (13:20)

Scott discusses that strong content marketing should derive from a concept that will appeal to people’s bottom-line interests. Brands that incorporate the “people” side of their product or services can generate better, more effective content that engages their audience. As Scott said, “People love to be competitive and see their name in lights.” (13:30) Simple jumped off this idea by using data from their Simple APP to create content with a competitive undertone by mapping out the top tipping cities and states in the country.

Most Actionable Item

“Let the Data Inform us on what the story is going to be” (9:50)

Scott reveals through his experience at Simple that great content can start with complex data. Scott explains that brands can use existing company data to engage customers with topics that are relatable to the company’s unique selling proposition.  When simplifying complex data into clean, user-friendly content, brands will draw in more relevant traffic and links to their site.

Takeaways from the Crowd


via @wilreynolds


via @corishirk

Thanks for sharing with us, Scott! Everyone at SEER and the #searchchurch learned great techniques on how to create simple, effective, data-centric content.

Check back next week for the final Hook, Line & Sinker recap with insights from SEER’s Founder Will Reynolds, about Rediscovering Stories.

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