
12 Awesome Perks of Being a SEER Intern

Passing our one-month mark as SEER digital marketing interns, we have joined didactic training sessions, completed engaging projects, and learned a tremendous amount of SEO knowledge along the way. It’s pretty clear that we love interning at SEER – what better way to share our love than through a gif-filled, all-things SEER favorite list?

1) Join a Fun, Bright, and Hard-Working Team



SEER welcomes new team members the minute they walk in the door on the first day. With a welcome breakfast and tour of the office, along with a bunch of warm greetings, SEER immediately made the first-day at work a whole lot less awkward and nerve-racking. We quickly learned first-hand, that SEER’s team is innovative, fun, dynamic, and well-rounded. SEER’s team attitude is all about collaboration, sharing, and making work an activity that they love doing.

2) It’s not the Shark Tank

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Even as newbies, we have interacted, brainstormed, and held meetings with top leaders in the company. The executive team at SEER is crazy busy - yet each of them still reaches out to us to discuss upcoming projects or just to get a quick status update on how our week went. As interns it feels great when Wil, SEER’s founder, reaches out to us saying “I have an awesome project that I know you guys will do great things with!” What other intern gets to say that they can work on a project with the leader of the company?

3) Distance Doesn't Stop Collaboration

Every time we get on Google hangout it be like…..

Google HangoutGoogle Hangout 


With a team made up of people who love search, the internet, and digital marketing - SEER certainly is about as tech-savvy as it gets! With two main locations in Philly and San Diego, Google hangouts and Skype sessions are common occurrences. But SEER’s web-chatting doesn't stop there - our newest intern (that’s me -Laura) interviewed, met the team, and started interning while in Dublin, Ireland. If you’re willing to put in the effort and manage a time difference - SEER is excited to have you join the team.

4) Wave High to Rittenhouse!

 Chill Here View from SEER

As part of the SEER team, we look at this view - every day. The Perch office is a cool open office space with unlimited coffee and filled with a team who is always willing to help out. SEER’S second Philly office is located right down the street. Named The Search Church, this awesome office is a beautifully renovated, digital marketing mecca with stain-glass and chalkboard art. The center of the building - the church auditorium - is the home to SEER conferences, go-to meeting spots for hangouts, and SEER team parties.

5) Partake in Engaging Training Sessions

training sessionTraining Session


Who better to teach us SEO, PPC and Analytics, as well as company culture, than our own team members? In our journey thus far, it has been extremely influential learning these fields through the eyes of a SEER employee. Our training sessions begin with valuable 101 skills to then learning the detailed processes on how to complete a task. Andrew Meyer held an awesome training session on how to craft interesting and eye-catching outreach messages and Hoa Cong taught us the importance of using HTML tools when developing strategies for clients. Not only do these training sessions empower us to go out and apply our teachings to real client work, it also provides us the opportunity to meet and work directly with all different team members. For a company that is constantly expanding and always on a busy schedule, we feel privileged to get to know the team from both Philly and San Diego. At SEER, the team is constantly asking questions, sharing new news, and staying up-to-date with the most current marketing trends. With the SEER team, learning never stops.

6) Who Let the Dogs Out

Intern and DogWorking Dog


Working at a Dog-friendly office is just as amazing as it sounds. This past month we participated in “bring your dog to work day” where bringing dogs to work was even more encouraged than it normally is! Sharing the office with little puppies instantly brightens up any day! I (that’s me - Sami) recently brought my dog into SEER and it was awesome! Having dogs allowed in the office shows how accepting the SEER environment is - even for our furry, four-legged friends.


7) Be Our Guest  

Hook Line and SinkerSeer Conferences

This past May, our Search Church was packed with guests for the Hook, Line, and Sinker event: a content marketing conference taught by experts in the industry, such as Peep Laja Wil Reynolds, Tracy Halvorsen, and Scott Edwards. SEER hosts numerous amount of compelling conferences that incorporate the company’s core values of building community, empowering each other, and sharing new knowledge. Not to mention, we get to show off our awesome Search Church!

8) Not the Typical Textbook Information

SEER Brainstorms Hard at Work


As current college students, we are constantly under pressure to earn great grades - at times it becomes challenging to learn beyond the essentials needed to simply to pass an exam. What’s refreshing about interning at SEER is that in order to “pass this class,” you are encouraged to explore the unknown, “bleed curiosity,” and do work you are passionate about. By taking what we learn from the SEER team and applying it to real client projects such as crafting outreach messages, finding relevant blogs for link-building, or conducting data research for a SEER asset, we have the opportunity to change our mindset from “how can I get an A?” into “how can I analyze this information in order to produce awesome work for my client?”

9) Ditch the Boring Dress Clothes

SEER Dress CodeSEER Dress Code



In the summer, wearing hot and stuffy “business casual” outfits is not a highlight of any internship. At SEER, casual t-shirts, baseball hats, jeans, and light summer dresses are considered the typical work attire instead of stiff suits and penny loafers.

10) Free GYM Membership

SEER CakeGym

With all of the amazing restaurants in Northern Liberties, sweets that the team brings into the office, and our team lunches - it’s hard not to stuff your face like it’s Thanksgiving. Needless to say, this perk is definitely important.  (Props to Michelle Noonan for baking this awesome cake!)

11) Mind = Blown

SEER Team Knowledge BombsSEER Team Knowledge Bomb

Every month SEER holds knowledge bombs. This consists of five learning sessions that the team can sign up for to improve their work efficiency, develop a skill, or just discover something new in the world of digital marketing. Completely team-based, everyone votes on important topics that are the most relevant to them. Last week, Laura chose to partake in a knowledge bomb with SEER’s IT associate Michael Girard, who taught the team how computers communicate with each other. We also attended two additional sessions: the first on how to more effectively manage emails with Alisa Scharf, an AM, and the second on how to prioritize important tasks at work to save time inside the office and at home with the President, Crystal Anderson O’Neill.

12)  Let the Creativity Flow

San Diego Art Workimagination-gif

At SEER, fueling creativity and curiosity is not just encouraged - it’s the expectation. The team motivates us to dive into innovative projects by giving us the freedom to plan our own schedules and manage our own workloads. At SEER, there is no red tape that prevents us from working on the unique projects that we want to learn about most.

Extra Bonus: Giving Back to the Community

bikingSEER Community Service

SEER’s lively company culture thrives on its mission to give back to the community. Wil founded SEER with the intention of creating a company that encouraged volunteering, so much so, employees can plan their schedules around important community service ventures - even if it means leaving the office a bit early. Always looking for new ways to help the community, last month SEER held a delicious team potluck - instead of using the funds for ordering out - the money was denoted to a local charity, Paws. SEER’s team truly captures the spirit of dedicating oneself to others in need.

The Journey Continues:

This list only begins to name a few of the awesome opportunities we have been able to be a part of as SEER interns. In the upcoming weeks, we are so excited to learn more about SEER’s services as we join the PPC team and begin tackling paid search projects. Check back next week for an update on our newest project - the intern take-over of the SEER Interactive instagram account (@seerinteractive). If you want to chat or learn more about the amazing perks of being a SEER intern - tweet at us @lauramc4 or @samiherman6.

Still looking for more about internships? Check out ways to create a meaningful internship experience.

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